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发布时间 : 2021-02-26    浏览次数:1795 次

资讯 / 电信

ITE / Telecom

Algeria 阿尔及利亚


On 2020-01-20, the Algerian Republic published the JOURNAL OFFICIEL DE LA REPUBLIQUE ALGERIENNE N°05

New list of Characteristics of short-range devices used in the establishment of private internal radio networks have been published.

The maximum allowed Output Power / maximum magnetic field level has been defined for several frequency bands from 9 KHz – 246 GHz considering different applications like inductive, RFID, medical, general ISM applications and Radars.

Now the 77 GHz Band with limitation of 1W maximum output power is possible.

Brazil 巴西


ANATEL published on Jan 5th, 2020 the new Act 77. This act approves the Cyber Security Requirements for Telecommunications Equipment. This new Act will become in force after 180 days of its publication.

Here are some of main points:

• This act is applicable to all terminal devices with connection to internet and telecommunications network infrastructure equipment.

• According to item 4.1 , when request the approval of devices under the scope of this act, ANATEL will request a Declaration Letter from applicant with the following content:

a) indicating that the product was developed in compliance with the principle of security by design;

b) relating to which requirements of this document the equipment and its supplier meet at that moment; and

c) Recognizing that they are aware that cybersecurity requirements are subject to updates, including regulatory and administrative ones, in line with technological development, with the emergence of new threats or vulnerabilities.

• According to item 4.2, when ANATEL implement the Market Surveillance program, they can assess whether the product and its supplier maintain compliance with the requirements of this Act.

• The items 5 and 6 of Act 77, describes the specific requirements for Cyber Security, such as:

a) Software/Firmware update

b) Remote management

c) Installation and Operation

d) Access to the device configuration

e) Personal data.

Brazil 巴西

2021年1月20日,ANATEL宣布5G NR技术评估相关测试的部分 – 截至2021年3月31日之前,仍可以接受国外测试报告。

On January 20, 2021, the Agência Nacional De Telecomunicações (ANATEL) in Brazil informed through an official letter that the deadline for providing complementary tests reports related to the evaluation of 5G NR technology has been extended (from January 31) to March 31, 2021.

There are currently two laboratories in Brazil that can test for 5G NR technology. However, manufacturers have the option to provide test reports issued by foreign test labs to support the homologation of their 5G NR devices before March 31, 2021.

Two more local laboratories are expected to be available by the end of March 2021. Then, after 31st March 2021, it is expected that local testing for 5G NR will be mandatory in Brazil.

Chile 智利

2020年12月21日智利SEC发布法规N°33811,推出SEC 协议 PE N°8/10:2020。PE N°8/10:2020主要是要用IEC 62368-1:2014 或者 IEC 62368-1:2018 替换IEC 60950-1。涉及的产品有电脑 (笔记本和台式机),平板电脑和手机的外置适配器。

现有的协议PE N°8/08:2016 (手机充电器) 和PE N°8/9:2019 (笔记本和台式机电脑外置适配器) 依然有效,推测会给1-2年的过渡期过度到PE N°8/10:2020。

SEC has issued the SEC Resolution N°33811 launching the new SEC Protocol PE N°8/10:2020 for external power supplies for computers (laptops and desktops), tablets and mobile phones.

This SEC protocol replaces the use of IEC 60950-1 by IEC 62368-1:2014 or IEC 62368-1:2018.